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How Season Affective Disorder Spends Its Summer Vacation

August 1, 2021

Ashlee Stumpf MA, LPC I don’t like summer. Nope. Not a fan, probably because I always need a fan and an air conditioner or two on at all times. The days of just leaving my windows open vanish and just like that my once reasonable electric bill becomes one of my biggest expenses of the month. And my critiques go on from there. Bugs come back. Humidity is relentless. Wearing less/shorter clothes makes me feel uncomfortable. My…

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Stuck in a Work Rut? Here’s How to Get Out

July 31, 2021

Amanda Ann Gregory, LCPC, EMDR  It’s official, you’re in a rut. You feel stuck in your boring daily routine at work. You might feel as if you’re living in an endless loop or treadmill as each workday feels the same. Being in a rut can negatively impact your mood causing sadness, hopelessness, boredom, irritability, and a lack of motivation to name a few. When leaving your job isn’t the answer, you need to find ways to get…

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Rocks, Pebbles, and Sand: What Matters in Life?

July 30, 2021

By: Bridgette W. Gottwald, LPC, NCC You’re probably wondering how on earth rocks, pebbles and sand have anything to do with what matters in life. It turns out that these elements and what they represent are relevant to mental health, too. Go figure! This lesson by a professor might surprise you and make you healthily reflect upon your own life.  A philosophy professor stood before his class and picked up a large, empty mayonnaise jar which he…

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Mental Health Awareness Month: How Can I Celebrate?

July 29, 2021

By: Bridgette W. Gottwad, LPC, NCC  Since 1949, May has been designated as Mental Health Awareness Month in the U.S. Throughout life, mental health can vary based upon our circumstances and the state of the world. Amidst 2020 and 2021, mental health in general as society has taken a general decline. It is beneficial to observe mental health awareness month to reduce the stigma that surrounds psychological illness. Additionally, it can be beneficial in bringing the community…

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Languishing: Have You Been Feeling Blah?

July 28, 2021

By: Bridgette W. Gottwald, LPC, NCC Have you ever heard of languishing? Perhaps it’s the dominant emotion of 2021 and you’re not alone in what you are feeling – according to the New York Times, “we all have a lot of symptoms in common right now.” Have you had trouble focusing or noticed that there have been things you aren’t looking forward to in 2021, even though vaccines have been attainable and on the horizon? What is…

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Is Your Grandparent Depressed? Part II

July 27, 2021

Megan Mulroy, LPC            In the first part of this series, I discussed ways in which you can identify and help seniors who may be struggling with a mental health issue. In Part II, I want to discuss how you can support yourself as well as your older loved one while taking care of them. For the purpose of this blog, I’ll assume that there is a parent or grandparent/child dynamic taking place. As parents and grandparents…

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How Do We Stay Connected?

July 20, 2021

Hannah Hopper, LPC  As we head into the summer months, there’s so much in our world that’s changing. Businesses are opening up, restaurants are allowing indoor dining again, and more people are beginning to feel comfortable getting together with family and friends. With things opening up and fuller schedules, many of our schedules are starting to change, and it could take some extra effort to stay connected with your partner. How you start and end each day…

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How Can I Stop Being a People Pleaser

July 17, 2021

By: Danielle Bertini, LPC             The truth is, we all need to try our best to get along with one another. This is how we are able to keep humanity (for the most part) to stay intact. However, some people work extra hard. People pleasers. People pleasers rely on others’ approval to feel good about themselves and struggle to say no to people for fear of feeling guilty or worrying that others might think they’re selfish. In…

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Why Should I Spend More Time Alone?

July 15, 2021

By: Danielle Bertini, LPC            I love my family and friends. But I absolutely love spending time by myself. To me, there is no better feeling than being able to sit alone in silence and enjoy my own company, especially after spending a lot of time with others. As an introvert, I can only take so much “together time” before my energy is drained and I am craving a quieter, less stimulating place.            If you aren’t…

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How Can I Feel Happier?

July 14, 2021

By Eric Dean, JD, MBA, MA, MA, LPC, CADC Americans are unhappier now than they have ever been in the last 50 years. Let that sink in for a moment. This is paradoxical in that over the past 50 years there has been a substantial increase in inflation-adjusted per capita income, an improved standard of living, and a proliferation of digital technologies that have given us unprecedented levels of convenience and connectedness. Perhaps, one could reasonably argue…

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