Live Better. Love Better. Work Better.

Month: January 2015


Women and Alcohol: Fostering Awareness Throughout a Lifetime

January 28, 2015

Recent research adds alcohol to the list of gender disparities by highlighting the magnified concerns for women and their relationship with alcohol. At the most basic level, women do not process alcohol the same way men do. Women have less water pound for pound to dilute alcohol in their bodies, and on average, women are smaller than men. Thus, even in small amounts, alcohol affects women’s bodies differently than men’s, and heavy drinking (four or more drinks)…

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Tips for a More Peaceful Life: Mindfulness Made Easy

January 27, 2015

Many people seem to be interested in mindfulness these days- there are so many self-help books touting it, yoga classes incorporating it, and people talking about its benefits. I admit that I was once a skeptic of mindfulness. Every time it was mentioned, I rolled my eyes and thought to myself, “what a waste of time”. I tried several mindfulness exercises and either felt like a total failure due to my inability to clear my mind of…

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Challenging Perfectionism

January 19, 2015

On the surface, being a perfectionist seems like a good thing. It sounds like something one would say in a job interview when they ask about “weaknesses” but you know you should still showcase your strengths. However, perfectionism can be a real burden and negatively affect your life if you let it go too far. Perfectionism is actually a defense mechanism protecting against the pain of being wrong or feeling like a failure. It can lead to…

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How to Help Your Kids Deal with Your Divorce

January 6, 2015

Divorce is not only hard on you as the one getting separated- it can arguably be even more difficult for your kids. Studies show that children of divorce suffer side effects, even later in life. Kids with divorced parents have higher rates of depression and anxiety, drug an alcohol use, promiscuity, conduct problems, lowered academic achievement, and pessimism about marriage and relationships that affects their ability to have healthy partnerships in the future. It is important that…

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