Live Better. Love Better. Work Better.

Megan Mulroy


Does My Therapist Get Sad?

October 30, 2020

Megan Mulroy, LPC  The other day I was speaking with a friend who was going through some pretty heavy feelings and experiencing a very distressing depressed mood.  After describing what was going on for her, she looked at me and said something to the affect of, “It must be nice to know how to handle this all.” I almost laughed! I was currently going through some of my own stuff, unbeknownst to her. In reality, I was…

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Disney Pixar’s Inside Out: Not Just for Kids

August 19, 2020

Megan Mulroy, LPC  During a recent session, a client and I started talking about the movie Inside Out. We had been discussing this client’s different emotions and why they are equally important, and all have a seat at the table. I hadn’t seen the movie in quite some time and decided that I would watch it that night. The first time I saw the movie, I wasn’t working in mental health, and didn’t think too much about…

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Decision Fatigue: What Is It and How to Manage It

June 26, 2020

Megan Mulroy, LPC  We make a lot of decisions every day. We make simple decisions like what shirt to wear, and we also make more complex decisions like to stay or leave a relationship. You may have a job where you make a lot of decisions, and people may even depend on you to make important decisions. Sometimes there are so many options that make deciding something so hard! Think about the number of times you may…

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Singles are Doing Better Than Ever

June 12, 2020

Megan Mulroy, LPC Single people are often stereotyped and stigmatized as miserable and lonely, when that could not be farther from the truth. Recent studies have found that married people become no happier after their nuptials than they were when they were single (DePaulo, 2019). Furthermore, research shows that if a couple divorces, they become less happy than when they were single (DePaulo, 2019). Although recent research found that singles are doing increasingly well amidst the stereotype,…

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How to Beat Imposter Syndrome

May 2, 2020

Megan Mulroy, LPC Picture this: you’ve just landed your dream job. You are bursting at the seams, and you can barely control your excitement. Once the excitement wears down, if your first thought is, “I can’t believe they would choose me!”, or “How could this have happened?”, you may be struggling with Imposter syndrome. Imposter Syndrome is characterized by a person that doubts if they are qualified or good enough. People who deal with imposter syndrome often…

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Semester Interrupted: An Interview with an Epidemiology Student (Part II)

April 22, 2020

Megan Mulroy, LPC  Self-isolation and working from home has given me more time to check in on friends and family, which has been great. I’ve been checking in on my cousin, Maria, because she is currently in her last year of her master’s program at Grand Valley State University. She is getting a degree in public health with a concentration in epidemiology. Epidemiology is basically the study and analysis of diseases. Maria has been one of our…

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Semester Interrupted: Finishing Your Academic Year During the Coronavirus Pandemic (Part I)

April 21, 2020

Megan Mulroy, LPC  Within the past month, colleges and universities across America have been forced to move to online learning platforms due to the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). This brings a number of unparalleled challenges for college students. Graduation ceremonies have already been cancelled, and some are planning on having a virtual ceremony. Student’s licensing exams have been postponed, and students needing internship hours for graduation are left scrambling for ways to get creative to meet their requirements.…

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